Returns & Exchanges

  • In the world of online shopping, the inability to physically experience a product before purchase can be a drawback. Recognizing this challenge, ekookaburra is committed to offering a solution by allowing customers to exchange items for a different size, especially when buying gifts for others. Please note that any item returned beyond 30 days from the date of delivery is ineligible for exchange. To initiate an exchange, kindly reach out to us at with the relevant details.

  • In the unfortunate event that your product arrives faulty or damaged, we're here to assist. Simply email us at with photographic evidence and submit your refund request. Please be aware that any item returned after 30 days from the delivery date will not qualify for a refund.


  1. Following your request, we will promptly notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund/exchange.
  2. For exchanges, if approved, you'll be directed to send the product to your local fulfillment center within your country.
  3. For refunds, once approved, the refund will be processed, and the credited amount will be applied to your original payment method within a specified timeframe.